Call for Papers: Marking the Body: Medieval Adornment and Tattooing, Session for International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Due By 1 September 2023

Call For Papers

Session for International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo

Marking the Body: Medieval Adornment and Tattooing

Due By September 1, 2023

Popular forms of body modifications have been shared by many postindustrial cultures. Tattoos and other body modification have been practiced as method of expressing pilgrimage, rite of passage, folk medicine, ancestral connections, and marks of difference. This session will center on the practice of marking the Christian body with the goal to uncover impetuses behind body marking, the meaning of the corporeal body, as well as myth and bias associated with the practice. This session would encompass discourse surrounding the Christian tradition from antiquity to the height of peregrination. All societal, performative ethnic, and regional practices will be given consideration.

**Please Note: The symposium will be planned as an in-person session.

Please submit a 250-300 word abstract and CV for consideration to Be sure to list “Kalamazoo CFP, Body Marking” as your subject line. The paper proposal deadline is September 1, 2023.

Please direct all paper submissions and questions to:
Session Chair: Katharine D Scherff, Texas Tech University | Medieval and Renaissance Studies Center, School of Art,