Call for Papers: CERÆ Online Conference, Dreams, Visions, and Utopias (25-27 Apr. 2025), Due By 12 Mar. 2025

Call for Papers

Online Conference

CERÆ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Dreams, Visions, and Utopias

26–27 April 2025

Due By 12 March 2025

Featured image: Humankind before the Flood (central panel detail), c. 1503, The Garden of Earthly Delights, Hieronymus Bosch; Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid/Taschen.

In 2024, the conference was organised in a unique continuous format over a 28-hour period in order to equitably accommodate presenters from 9 different time-zones. In 2025, (depending on the mix of accepted presentations) the conference committee hopes to replicate this format.

Presenters located west of the Atlantic Ocean should note that some sessions may be scheduled to take place in the evening of 25 April, local time.

The conference will be held entirely online, via Zoom, and all sessions will be recorded (with presenters reserving the right to not have their individual paper recorded). Recordings will be made available to registered conference attendees via the website for a limited time after the conference has concluded.

Abstract Submissions

The theme of the 2024 conference is the same as for Volume 12 of the journal, that is: Dreams, Visions, and Utopias.

Abstracts must be submitted by 12 March 2025 (Extended Deadline).

Please email your submission for a 20-minute (+ 10 minutes Q&A) presentation to, including:

  • A 150–200 word abstract.

  • Your academic affiliation and title (if any).

  • A short 50–100 word biography.

  • The time-zone from which you will be presenting.

While an accompanying presentation or slideshow is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged as it greatly assists an online audience to follow a presentation, especially when the primary/preferred language of the presenter and/or the audience is not mutual.

We also strongly encourage all conference presenters to submit a full version of their presentation for publication within the journal (which will be subject to our standard peer-review procedures). Please refer to the Volume 12 CFP for further details, prompts, and deadlines relating to this theme.

Submissions to the conference will be advised of their paper’s acceptance by mid-March (if not earlier). The draft schedule will not be released until late March or early April 2025 .

Boydell & Brewer Discount

We are once again excited to be able to provide an exclusive discount on purchases from Boydell & Brewer for all conference attendees. Further details will be provided closer to the conference once registrations have opened in April.

Conference Aims

The purpose behind hosting our own conference is threefold:

  • Firstly, we are fulfilling our constitutional objectives of promoting high-quality, original scholarship within Medieval and Early Modern Studies, especially as undertaken by graduate and ECR scholars within the Australasian region. Our conference will encourage the development of the online community at both a national and an international level.

  • Secondly, this conference will, being held entirely online, promote the digital humanities and scholarship which utilises digital media and sources.

  • And last – but not least – establishing an annual Ceræ conference will go a significant way towards meeting our fundraising goals that, as a fully independent open-access journal, provide for our operational costs. It is anticipated that registration (as in 2024) will not exceed $5-10 AUD / day.

For more information, click here.