Call for Papers for Panel: Jewish Women in the Middle Ages, In-Person Session, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers for Panel

Jewish Women in the Middle Ages

In-Person Session

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 8-10 May 2025

Due 15 September 2024

The contributions of Jewish women are often absent from broader discussions on Jewish-Christian relations, the production and use of Hebrew manuscripts, and representations of Jews in the art and artifacts of the Middle Ages. This session aims to highlight the active role of Jewish women in the Middle Ages. We welcome proposals for 20-minute original papers that address any aspect of the lives of Jewish women in Ashkenaz, Sepharad, or Italy. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Jewish women as patrons, merchants, collectors, readers, scribes, authors, and artisans. Papers dealing with understudied topics, such as Jewish women in pre-expulsion England, are especially encouraged.

Submissions are due 15 September 2024 through the ICMS conference portal. For inquiries, please email Reed O'Mara at and Laura Feigen at