Call for Papers & Panels: 48th Annual European Studies Conference, University of Nebraska Omaha (5-6 October 2023 - Hybrid), Submissions Due By 31 May 2023

Call for Papers & Panels

48th Annual European Studies Conference

5-6 October 2023, University of Nebraska Omaha (Hybrid)

Submissions Due By 31 May 2023

The 48th Annual European Studies Conference, which will be held on October 5-6, 2023, welcomes submissions on European topics in all disciplines. This year's event will feature both online programming and in-person presentations.

Founded in 1975, our interdisciplinary conference draws every year participants from colleges and universities in the United States and from abroad. Interdisciplinary panels, workshops, plenaries, and performances bring perspectives and insights that have earned the conference a reputation for high academic quality. Areas of interest include art, anthropology, history, literature, current issues, and prospects in cultural, political, social, economic, or military areas; education, business, international affairs, religion, foreign languages, philosophy, music, geography, theater, and film.

This year we will also offer special panels on the following topics:

  • Ancient Mediterranean & Near Eastern World

  • Black European Studies

  • Human Rights

  • Holocaust and Genocide

  • Medieval Europe

Please direct any questions to the conference coordinators, Dr. Mark Celinscak ( and Dr. Martina Saltamacchia (

Submission of a paper or panel proposal can be done here.