Call for Papers: Historiography of the Cities, Lisbon (20-21 September 2023), Abstracts Due By 30 April 2023

Call for Papers

Historiography of the Cities

Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
20-21 september 2023

Abstracts Due By 30 April 2023

The International Congress Historiography of the Cities is part of the Olisipógrafos. Os Cronistas de Lisboa project, a partnership between the Art History Institute of FCSH-NOVA and the Lisbon City Council with the support of the National Library of Portugal and the National Archive of Torre do Tombo.
In 1879, Júlio de Castilho (1840-1919) published Lisboa Antiga, a study entirely dedicated to the history of one of Lisbon historical neighborhoods . This innovative study gave its author the epithet of “father of olisipography” (Lisbon’s historical studies), his merit being fully recognized by researchers who dedicated their work to the study of the history of Lisbon in its multiple aspects and readings (historical, urbanistic, architectural, among others).
From 1933 onwards, the municipality of Lisbon, aware of the potential of history in the city's cultural and ideological affirmation, developed a concerted program for the dissemination of documentation from its archives and historical investigations. Through the enormous dynamism of the Chamber's Cultural Services, a program was then implemented that included the editing of a vast number of publications and the holding of lectures and exhibitions.
The present congress intends to extend the current investigation to the history of other cities, in the national and international context, focusing around the main challenges and issues, from scientific methodology and best strategies.

Thematic lines:

  1. History and myth in the origin of the cities

  2. City Chroniclers/Historians and their works

  3. The role of the cultural public policies for the development of the historiography of cities

  4. Futures of the historiography of the cities

Instructions for submission 
Proposals for a 20-minute presentation (up to 350 words, including the title and 4 keywords) are welcome.

A brief biographical note (up to 150 words, including affiliation and contact information) needs to be sent in a separet file.

After the conferences are over some of the presented articles will be selected for publication in digital format.

​Proposals may be submitted to:

Accepted languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English

Important dates​
​Deadline for abstracts: April 30, 2023
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2023

Congress: September 20-21, 2023
Deadline for application (free): September 15, 2023

Deadline for articles: December 31, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2024

For more information,