Application Review Begins Friday 31 May 2024
The ICMA solicits applications for the next editor (or co-editors) of the ICMA’s flagship journal,Gesta. The position is an important one: Gesta is the only journal in North America devoted to medieval art history, and it serves a crucial function in our field as well as in medieval studies more generally. It is also one of the primary means by which the ICMA meets its core mission: “to promote and support the study, understanding, and preservation of visual and material cultures produced primarily between ca. 300 CE and ca. 1500 CE in every corner of the medieval world.”
The appointment is for a three-year-term beginning on 1 January 2025; it can be renewed for a second three-year-term term by mutual agreement. Following a model increasingly favored by other professional organizations (and which has been successfully implemented at Gesta since 2013), we will consider the option of appointing two colleagues to serve as co-editors. We are thus asking for single or paired applications.
Scholars in the field who have relevant editorial experience (vetting articles and carrying out extensive developmental editing) are encouraged to apply. Eligible applicants include faculty members at any rank from lecturer to professor, emeriti/ae, people in cognate professions, and independent scholars. However, we advise faculty on a tenure track appointment who have not yet been granted tenure to carefully consider their workload balance before applying to take on this substantial work. The position carries an annual stipend of $6,500 (or $3,250 each in the case of co-editors).
The Editors work with the production team at the University of Chicago Press (Journals Division). Chicago handles the design, printing, and distribution of the journal, and manages subscriptions. They also work directly with an Editorial Board that has a consultative function and the ICMA’s Publications Committee. The Editors will have the help of a professional copy editor appointed by the ICMA, and a part-time Editorial Assistant (typically a graduate student). During December 2024, the incoming editor(s) will receive orientation from the current editors, whose term will be over on 31 December 2024.
Those interested in applying should submit a CV and a statement of interest and relevant experience, addressed to the address below. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on 31 May 2024.
Brigitte Buettner
Chair, ICMA Publications Committee
Click HERE to submit application.