Full-time position for 2016-17. 5 course load. Ph.D. in hand or expected by September 2016. Teaching experience required. Teach first half of 2-semester introductory survey, plus courses in an intercultural, comparative curriculum of introductory and advanced undergraduate discussion courses on the art and architecture of the Mediterranean basin ca. 300-1300 that relate late antique pagan, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic art as part of a Late Antique and Medieval Studies (LAMS) Program at the Claremont Colleges. Creative cultural interactions between global Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern Studies and contemporary issues encouraged.
Dossiers should include: letter of application with related course background and ideas about curriculum in areas listed above; CV; graduate school transcripts; three brief statements addressing teaching philosophy, scholarship, and demonstrated ability to mentor a diverse student body; and 3 letters of reference. These documents should be sent to Frances Pohl, Chair, Department of Art History, Pomona College, 145 E. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 or to fpohl@pomona.edu. Pomona College supports equal access to higher education and values a richly diverse environment. The successful candidate will have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and a demonstrated commitment to improving higher education for underrepresented students. Review of applications will begin January 10, 2016.