International Conference
19th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society for Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology
Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland, 4–6 July 2024
Organizers: Francine Giese, Sarah Tabbal, Sophie Wolf (Vitrocentre Romont)
Keynote Speaker: Stefano Carboni (University of Western Australia)
Registration By 28 June 2024
This colloquium intends to stimulate the study of glass in the fields of art history and archaeology of the Islamic world by presenting ongoing research dealing with art-historical, architectural, archaeological, as well as material, technical and socio-cultural aspects.
Participation is free of charge, registration is required by 28 June 2024 at
Conference Programme
Romont, Hôtel de Ville, Rue du Château 112, Grande Salle (2nd floor)
9:00–16:30 Graduate Meeting
18:00–18:15 Markus Ritter (University of Vienna) and Francine Giese (Vitrocentre Romont): Opening Remarks
Keynote Lecture, Chair: Sophie Wolf (Vitrocentre Romont)
18:15–19:00 Stefano Carboni (University of Western Australia); Glass from Islamic Lands: An Overview
19:00–20:30 Apéro riche at Vitromusée Romont
Romont, Hôtel de Ville, Rue du Château 112, Grande Salle (2nd floor)
Ernst Herzfeld Award 2023
Chair: Mattia Guidetti (Co-chair of Ernst Herzfeld Award Committee)
9:00–9:30 Edward Shawe-Taylor (Oxford University): The Art of Copying: al-Nuwayri and the Ambrosiana Kitāb al-Ḥayawān
Section I: Early Islamic Glass, Chair: Mattia Guidetti (University of Bologna)
9:30–10:00 Hagit Nol (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Glass Production in Ramla, 7th to 11th Century: Contexts, Finds and Agents
10:00–10:30 Matthew Gillman (Independent Scholar, Paris) Problems in Attributing Early Abbasid Glass
10:30–11:00 Carol Meyer (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA) / Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures: West Asia and North Africa (ISAC)): The Aqaba Publication Project: The Glass
Coffee break
Section II: Glass in Courtly Contexts, Chair: Markus Ritter (University of Vienna)
11:30–12:00 Vanessa Rose (EUR Translitterae (ENS-PSL), Paris): Glass Revetments in Samarra: Some Considerations
12:00–12:30 Víctor Rabasco García (Universidad de León): Performativity in the Courtly Architecture: The Crystal majlis of the Toledo’s Alcázar
12:30–13:00 Sahar Hosseini (University of Pittsburgh): Mirrors in Motion: From Venice to Hasht-Behesht Palace in Isfahan
Lunch at Vitromusée Romont
Section III: Cultural Interactions, Chair: Stefano Carboni (University of Western Australia)
14:30–15:00 Sing-Yan Choy (University of Vienna): Islamic World and the Dawn of Glassmaking in Late Medieval China
15:00–15:30 Tori Nuariza Sutanto and Furqon Muhammad Faiz (Sultanate Institute, Surakarta): Early Islamic Glass on the West Coast of Sumatra: A Case Study from the Archaeological Site of Bongal, Indonesia
Coffee break
16:00–16:30 Nada Kallas (Lebanese University, Beirut): L’usage de la verrerie islamique sur le territoire libanais entre le VIIe et le XIVe siècle
16:30–17:00 Farzaneh Farrokhfar (University of Neyshabur): Glass Making Industry of Neyshabur in Ghaznavid and Seljuk Period
19:00 Conference dinner (invitation required)
Romont, Hôtel de Ville, Rue du Château 112, Grande Salle (2nd floor)
SECTION III: Glass in al-Andalus, Chair: Francine Giese (Vitrocentre Romont)
9:00–9:30 Nadine Schibille (IRAMAT-CEB, UMR7065 CNRS): The Mosaics from the Great Umayyad Mosques in Damascus and Córdoba
9:30–10:00 Almudena Velo-Gala (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): A Glass Production in the Capital of the Andalusian Caliphate: Vessels and Bottles with Drop Decoration
10:00–10:30 Ana Zamorano (University of Seville): The Glass of Madinat al-Zahra. Production and Exchange in Umayyad Cordoba
10:30–11:00 Fernando Valdés Fernández (ALAMUT): Nouvelles sur le catalogue des cristaux de roche islamiques conservés en Espagne
Coffee break
SECTION V: Coloured Light, Chair: Laura Hindelang (University of Bern)
11:30–12:00 Francine Giese, Sarah Keller, Sophie Wolf (Vitrocentre Romont), Nadine Schibille (IRAMAT-CEB, UMR7065 CNRS): Art Historical Classification and Material Characterization of Islamic Stucco Glass Windows
12:00–12:30 Mustafa Tupev (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo): Nach dem Vorbild Roms an den Ufern des Nils
12:30–13:00 Valentina Laviola (University of Naples L’Orientale): Looking Through Hodeida (Yemen): Stucco and Glass Windows from a Late-Ottoman Harbour City
Lunch at Vitromusée Romont
Section VI: Glass in the Late Ottoman Period, Chair: Axel Langer (Museum Rietberg)
Romont, Hôtel de Ville, Rue du Château 112, Grande Salle (2nd floor)
14:30–15:00 Cassandra Furstos, Nadine Schibille, Maria Paola Pellegrino, Anne Leschallier de Lisle, Yasmin Kanhoush, Julien Charbonnier (Archaïos, Paris): Glass Exchange Networks under the Microscope: The Composite Glass Assemblages from al-ʿUlā Valley (Hejaz, Saudi Arabia)
15:00–15:30 Andrea Umberto Gritti (Campus Condorcet / EHESS): Ottoman Initiatives to Produce Filigreed Glass in the 19th Century
15:30–16:00 Sarah Tabbal (Vitrocentre Romont): Far from Imagination? Drawings and Photographs of 19th Century Stucco Glass Windows
16:00–16:30 Miriam Kühn (Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin): Exploring Acquisition Practices and Provenances in the Formative Period of the Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin: A Case Study on Sarre’s Acquisitions of Glass in Cairo between 1904 and 1914
Section VII: Ongoing research, Chair: Hagit Nol (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Romont, Hôtel de Ville, Rue du Château 112, Salle bourgeoisiale (1st floor),
14:30–15:00 Bekhruz Golibovich Kurbanov (Samarqand Institute of Archaeology): Between Byzantium and Khurasan: A Case Study of a Medieval Ewer from Bukhara
15:00–15:30 Giuseppe Labisi (University of Konstanz): The Bozpar Valley Research Project: New Data and Considerations on the Late Sasanian / Early Islamic Architecture of Iran
15:30–16:00 Ana Marija Grbanovic (University of Bamberg): Colourful Mosques and Tekiyyas in Ottoman Balkans: a Uniquely Balkan Phenomenon?
Coffee break
17:00–19:00 General Assembly of Ernst Herzfeld Society
SUNDAY, 7 JULY 2024, Vitromusée Romont
10:00–11:00 Guided tour through the exhibition ‘Luminosité de l’Orient’
11:00–13:00 Visit of the exhibition ‘Regards du Sénégal. Souwèr de la collection Afric.Art’ and presentation of the technique of reverse glass painting by the Senegalese artist Azou Bade