Don’t Forget about ICMA Resources as you Look Ahead to the New Academic Year!

Recognizing that we are nearing the part of summer in which people begin to work in earnest on syllabi for the coming academic year, we wanted to remind you of the wealth of material available on the ICMA website.

Located under RESOURCES, you may find these sections particularly helpful:

First, the “Bibliographies and Teaching Resources” section includes a number of items that are particularly useful when planning your classes. These include:

Second, in the “Lectures” section, you’ll find an array of videos which may provide you with inspiration and activities for your courses. These include recordings of recent iterations of the ICMA at the Courtauld Lectures; the inaugural IDEA lecture delivered by Nancy Wu; several of our “Mining the Collection” events examining museum holdings; and a number of other terrific online lectures and conference sessions presenting new scholarship and offering advice on pedagogical and ethical issues in our field.

Third, under the “Community” heading, you’ll see a link to “The ICMA Colleague Connection,” which can connect you to our network of experts in every facet of our field (and if you haven’t already done so, please consider adding your name to the list!).

Fourth, if you're curious about the history of our organization and the field in general, be sure to listen to episodes in the ICMA Oral History Project.

Finally, as you also consider opportunities to develop your scholarship in the months to come, be sure to have a look at our just-published Summer Newsletter, and the Calendar on the ICMA home page, which both list many calls for papers, grant opportunities, conferences, and so on.