Summer 2018 ICMA Newsletter now available to ICMA members

The summer 2018 edition of the ICMA Newsletter is now available to ICMA members by logging-in to the member portal on our website.

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Reflection: Excess and Austerity: Benedictines Rule at the Cloisters, by Risham Majeed

Teaching Medieval Art History: Teaching Medieval Art at the Advanced School of Art and Humanities, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, organized by Janetta Rebold Benton, with essays by Chen Han and Momei Xia

Report From Chicago: ICMA Study Day in Chicago, by Mark H. Summers

Report From Munich: Exhibition Review: Bewegte Zeiten: Der Bildhauer Erasmus Grasser, at the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich, by Tamara Golan

Student Travel Grant Trip Report: Fresco Programs at Trecento Mendicant Chapter Houses, by Laura Leeker

Events and Opportunities 
