The ICMA is a member of the National Humanities Alliance, an organization in Washington, DC devoted to supporting humanities in general and the NEH in particular.  The links provided in their message below will enable you to voice your opposition to any action to stop funding to the NEH and have it reach your Congressional representatives directly.  

A Message from the National Humanities Alliance:

News broke last week that the Trump Administration is considering the elimination of NEH, along with other cultural agencies. While we are all concerned, it is important to remember that we have built considerable support in Congress over the past years and we can fight this proposal.

It is time to take action and make clear to the President and Members of Congress that you value federal funding for the humanities.

Click here to take action.

Together, we will communicate that public support for the humanities benefits students, teachers, and communities across the country.

Learn more about this blueprint and plans to stop it here.

Thank you for your support!


For further information, see the statements posted to their websites by the College Art Association and the American Historical Association.

Regarding the importance of the NEH, see the article in the Huffington Post by Stephen Kidd, Executive Director of the National Humanities Alliance

Click here for a statement from the National Humanities Alliance.
