“Views from the Inside”
Monday, April 4, 2022, 5:00–7:00pm ET
More information: https://sofheyman.org/events/peer-reviewed-journal-publishing-from-the-perspectives-of-editors-and-authors
What does it take to make journal publishing function more inclusively and transparently? In this workshop, participants will discuss their perspectives on future paths for greater equity and inclusion in authorship, the division of labor, peer review, the constitution of editorial boards, and consider the ways in which journals can foster the diversity of all participants. Presenters will address the ways in which institutional contexts (universities, university presses, scholarly societies) shape journal operations, and consider how the relationships between journals and institutions can lead to support for enhanced inclusion and equity.
Panelists: Susan Boynton (organizer), coeditor of Gesta; Callum Blackmore, editor of Current Musicology; Alex Gil and Kaiama Glover, coeditors of archipelagos; Seth Kimmel, Elisabeth Ladenson, and Pier Mattia Tommasino (Romanic Review); and Michelle Wilson (Digital Publishing, Columbia University Libraries)
Drawing on their experience with journals in the humanities and humanistic social sciences as editors and publishers, panelists will discuss the process of double-blind peer review (as well as other forms of review), the intellectual labor involved, the roles and compositions of editorial boards, and what authors need to know about how to submit their work and the stages of publication (as well as the costs authors typically bear for permissions to reproduce images or texts). The presentations will address the ethical expectations of authors and peer reviewers and issues concerning languages of publication.
The workshops are appropriate for scholars at all stages, from graduate students to senior researchers. Save the date!