NEW Video: Digital Approaches to Medieval Art featuring Maeve Doyle and Alex Brey, 2 March 2023

Digital Resources Committee


Digital Approaches to Medieval Art featuring Maeve Doyle and Alex Brey

2 March 2023

Top: A folio from NEP-27, UPenn Museum. Bottom: Women readers in the margins of a thirteenth-century book of hours (Cambrai, Médiathèque municipale MS 87, fol. 113r)

On 2 March 2023 at 12:00 pm, the Digital Resources Committee held an exciting event with invited speakers, Maeve Doyle (ECSU) and Alex Brey (Wellesley College), that was introduced by Lindsay Cook (Penn State). Following their presentation, committee members, Paula Mae Carns (UIUC), Nicholas Herman (SIMS), and Lindsay Cook, led a dialogue about digital approaches to medieval manuscript studies, and the event ended with a broader discussion with the virtual audience.

The event can now be viewed on the Special Online Lectures page of the ICMA website: