Job announcement: Ilene H. Forsyth Assistant or Associate Professor of Western Medieval Art, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, due 4 October 2021

Ilene H. Forsyth Assistant or Associate Professor of Western Medieval Art

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: History of Art

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: History of Art

Open Date: Jul 1, 2021
Deadline: Oct 4, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time

The Department of the History of Art at the University of Michigan invites applications for a full-time position in western medieval art to begin September 2022. This is a university-year appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor with tenure. The position may be filled by persons working in any field of western medieval art pursuing any methodological approach/es. The successful applicant will be asked to develop and teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise doctoral students, undertake service appropriate to the rank, and participate actively in the events of the department. Applicants should include a personal statement and diversity commitment that includes your demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through scholarship/research, and/or teaching/mentoring, and/or service/engagement. There may be some overlap with your research proposal and teaching statements (1-3 pages). The appointee will be welcomed into a large university community that encourages interdisciplinary dialogue and is committed to the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Further information about the Department of the History of Art can be found on our website at

The position may be filled by persons working in any field of western medieval art pursuing any methodological approach/es.

Application Instructions
Application materials also should highlight the candidate’s engagement with issues of equity. Applicants should provide the following materials via Interfolio:

Cover letter
Statement of current and future research plans
Statement of teaching philosophy and experience
Evidence of teaching excellence.

Possibilities include (but are not limited to):
Summary student evaluation reports; Sample syllabi (no more than two) from courses taught by the candidate and related materials; Report(s) from classroom visitation and evaluation of syllabi, if available; A summary of the candidate’s teaching record, including teaching awards, during the last five years.

A writing sample (35-40 pages maximum)
Three letters of reference for candidates at the assistant professor level or a list of names of potential reviewers for candidates at the associate professor level
Personal statement and diversity commitment that includes your demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through scholarship/research, and/or teaching/mentoring, and/or service/engagement.

There may be some overlap with your research proposal and teaching statements (1-3 pages). For questions regarding the position, please contact Audra Wilson (Executive Secretary, U-M Department of the History of Art) at For technical support, please contact the Interfolio help desk at or (877) 997-8807.

Application Process
This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.