ICMA Annual Book Prize due 31 May 2021

ICMA Annual Book Prize 

Authors: notify your publisher to submit your book 
due 31 May 2021


Single or dual-authored books on any topic in medieval art printed in 2020 are eligible. No special issues of journals or anthologies or exhibition catalogues can be considered. The competition is international and open to all ICMA members. Languages of publication: English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

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Prize: US $1,000 to a single author, or US $500 each to two co-authors. Recipients will be notified in early 2022.

For more information and to submit, visit https://www.medievalart.org/book-prize.

Send questions to icma@medievalart.org.

A special note about expanded eligibility

Titles not previously submitted for the 2020 prize (printed in 2019), that were delayed due to publishing or shipment delays related to the ongoing pandemic, are eligible for submission.