Grants for Education: The Klesch Collection Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Painting, Due by 20 June 2023

Grants for Education

The Klesch Collection Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Painting

Due by 20 June 2023

The Klesch Collection is proud to support scholarship excellence and is committed to contributing to the training of the next generation of Art Historians.

The Klesch Collection offers grants towards the yearly cost of university fees to graduate students who have been accepted into a full-time Art History MA or PhD course of study worldwide, beginning the next academic year. PhD students are welcome to apply for any year in their programme. Applications will be considered from students who will focus/are focusing their studies on European and British painting of the Renaissance and Baroque periods (c. 1400-1700).

Students wishing to apply to the Klesch Collection Scholarship who need to contact The Klesch Collection directly and submit the following documentation in a single email to by 20th of June of the same year in which their course starts or their programme continues:

  • Completed application form, which is available online

  • Copy of the acceptance letter from the University

  • 2 letters of reference

Following receipt of the complete application, if the student is shortlisted, they will be invited to attend an interview.

The Klesch Collection will notify the successful applicant and the University as soon as possible, and the University will send a payment request directly to the Klesch Collection. The grant will be paid directly to the academic institution before the start of the course, not to the student personally.

The successful applicant will submit a yearly report to the Klesch Collection within a month of the end of the academic year outlining their course of study, progress and future plans.

More information is available here.