Call for Papers/Panels: 2024 Annual Meeting ofThe Medieval Academy of America, University of Notre Dame (14-16 March 2024), Submissions by 15 June 2023

Updated Call for Papers/Panels

2024 Annual Meeting of
The Medieval Academy of America

Hosted by the Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame
MARCH 14–16, 2024

Submissions Due By 15 June 2023

The 99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will take place on the campus of the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana).  The meeting is hosted by The Medieval Institute, St. Mary's College, Holy Cross College, and Indiana University, South Bend.  The conference will be entirely in person, though the plenary lectures and some other events will also be live-streamed.

The Program Committee invites proposals for papers on all topics and in all disciplines and periods of medieval studies. Any member of the Medieval Academy may submit a paper proposal; others may submit proposals as well but must become members in order to present papers at the meeting. Exceptions can be given to individuals whose specialty would not normally involve membership in the Medieval Academy.

Location: The Medieval Institute has one of the preeminent library collections for medieval studies in North America. Notre Dame is located about two hours’ drive from Chicago, with commuter train service available. Scholars may wish to extend their visit and take advantage of opportunities for research or sightseeing.

Plenary Speakers:  Robin Fleming (Boston College), Bissera Pentcheva (Stanford), and Jack Tannous (Princeton).

Mapping the Middle Ages: Under this theme we invite explorations of how medieval people mapped their world and of how we, as modern scholars, have mapped or might map that world.  For example, sessions or individual presentations could focus on medieval cartography or the distortions of modern maps of the medieval world, but also on other kinds of medieval and modern mappings:  the creation of medieval cosmologies and cosmographies; the construction of boundaries, edges, peripheries, authorities, and jurisdictions; the positioning of marginal groups, of insiders and outsiders, of friends and enemies; the conjuring of frontiers between ‘civilizations’ across Eurasia; the figuring of past, present, and future, of ancient, medieval, and modern; the making of archives and libraries.

Bodies in Motion: This strand thematizes bodies (for example, animate bodies, celestial bodies, or material objects) as they move, whether through displacement or through movement within a space. Papers might consider celestial motion, mathematical models, music, and concepts of time; travel (e.g. for trade, pilgrimage, or war), migration and resettlement (voluntary or forced); the transmission of food, goods, art objects and diseases through patterns of human contact; bodies that transform or transcend categories; textual corpora, their material transmissions, and their transformations through translation and reception; habit, gesture, ritual, and the lived use of domestic, urban, political, or religious architectural spaces.

Communities of Knowledge: We invite papers exploring communities formed around the creation, dissemination, exchange, and preservation of knowledge in the medieval world. Papers might treat centers of learning and their students and teachers, including but not limited to the universities; virtual communities formed by epistolary networks, narrative traditions, dissident theologies, or political ideologies; communities defined in terms of medical knowledge; apocalyptic or prophetic or messianic communities bound by foreknowledge of things to come; the peripheries of knowledge, including the limits of literacy or belief; material supports for the transmission of knowledge, from shipping routes or urban spaces to fresco cycles or manuscript glosses; and the formation of political and legal knowledge in the Middle Ages and their impact on the constitution of authority.

The Medieval Academy welcomes innovative panels that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries or that use various disciplinary approaches to examine an individual topic. We encourage papers on Asia, Africa, the Middle East, or Eastern Europe and the networks and exchanges between East and West.

Proposals: Individuals may propose to offer a paper or propose a full panel of papers and speakers to fit one of the themes above.  Panels usually consist of three 25-minute papers, and proposals should be geared to that length. The Program Committee may choose a different format for some panels after the proposals have been reviewed. Panel organizers may wish to propose different formats for their panels, subject to Program Committee approval.

In order to be considered, proposals must be complete and sent in via the Submittable platform at this link:

Paper proposals will need to include the proposer’s information (name; a statement of Medieval Academy membership, or statement that the individual’s specialty would not normally involve membership in the Academy; professional status; email address; postal address; home or cell and office telephone numbers) and paper information (title, abstract of no more than 250 words, session theme for which it should be considered, and audio-visual needs).

Session proposals: If a full panel is being proposed, the above information will be required for each paper, as well as for the session as a whole.  Session proposals may also include the name of the chair (with the relevant contact information) or ask that a chair.

If the proposer will be at a different address when decisions are announced in September 2023, that address should be included.

Submissions: Please do not send proposals to the Medieval Academy office or to the conference organizers. Contact with questions.

Selection Procedure: The Committee will review paper and panel proposals for their quality, the significance of their topics, and their relevance to the conference themes. The Program Committee will evaluate proposals during the summer of 2023 and the Committee will inform all successful and unsuccessful proposers and announce the program in September of 2023.

For more information: