Call for Papers: “In Sickness and in Health: Medieval Healing and the Community”, 10th Annual Medieval Studied Colloquium (21 April 2023 In-Person), Deadline 10 January 2023

Call for Papers

10th Annual Medieval Studied Colloquium

“In Sickness and in Health: Medieval Healing and the Community”

Deadline: 10 January 2023

The Medieval Studies Colloquium is an annual event which takes place on UW–Madison’s campus each spring. The Colloquium offers an opportunity for graduate students in multiple disciplines to present their research in the various fields of medieval studies, share and receive feedback, and participate in discussion on topics of interest with peers from a wider, interdisciplinary community of Medieval Studies scholars, without the restrictions of membership or registration fees.

Please join us for the Tenth Annual Medieval Studies Colloquium “In Sickness and in Health: Medieval Healing and the Community.” The colloquium will take place Friday, April 21st, 2023, in-person at the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a keynote address by Dr. Erin Sweany (English, Western Michigan University).

The Tenth Annual GAMS Colloquium is sponsored by the Program in Medieval Studies, Department of Art History, Department of History, Department of English, Department of French & Italian, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic +. For accessibility accommodations, please contact:

The Graduate Association of Medieval Studies at UW–Madison invites abstracts from graduate and undergraduate students on topics relating to sickness, health, and community (broadly defined). Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words to by January 10th, 2023.

Colloquium Call for Papers Poster

Organizer Website: and

Colloquium Website: