Call for Papers: Discourse of Diversity in the Medieval World, edited by Eric Bryan and Jill Fitzgerald, Abstracts Due 28 April 2023

Call for Papers

Discourse of Diversity in the Medieval World

edited by Eric Bryan and Jill Fitzgerald

Abstracts Due 28 April 2023

Raimundus Lullus, Thomas le Myésier: Electorium parvum seu breviculum (nach 1321) - Manuscript in the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany - Cod. St. Peter perg 92, Blatt fol. 12r

The editors of this volume welcome essays on discourse in sources from cultures coeval with texts produced in medieval Europe—for example, from the Islamic world, Central and East Asia, Africa, and beyond. Of equal importance are examinations of discourse and diversity in European sources along the axes of culture, language, socio-economics, gender and other identities, nationality, and religion.

Discourse may here be fundamentally understood as how we talk to one another but may be represented in medieval texts as direct discourse, missives, sermons, or visual communication.

The editors of this collection invite 300-word abstracts (essays of 7,000-8,000 words following abstract acceptance) that approach this subject from a range of perspectives.

Please submit a 300-word abstract jointly to co-editors Dr. Eric Bryan ( and Dr. Jill Fitzgerald ( on or before 28 April 2023. Questions may likewise be submitted to the editors via email.

For more information, please see the call for papers.