Call for Papers
The Index of Medieval Art Sponsored Session
Breaking the Mirror: New Approaches to the Study of Medieval Images
60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
Due 15 September 2024
Hybrid figure, Hours of Charlotte de Savoy, Morgan M.1004, fol. 129v
Everyone wants something from medieval images: a sense of story, a corroborated argument, a witness to medieval realities. Although the methods by which scholars seek these answers have evolved considerably, their work remains dominated by the conception of the medieval image as mirror, one that reflects either explicitly or indirectly the truths of the historical past. This session challenges this tendency by asking what we can really expect to learn from medieval images. How does their potential to go beyond illustration—to aspire, deceive, and even fantasize—complicate what and how scholars can learn from them?
We invite papers from researchers at all levels and especially encourage submissions from early-career scholars. The session’s hybrid format can accommodate up to two remote participants. Conference details and a full call for papers can be found at this link.