Call for Applications: Manuscripts in the Curriculum III at Les Enluminures, Due By 15 October 2023

Call for Applications

Manuscripts in the Curriculum III at Les Enluminures

Due By 15 October 2023

“Manuscripts in the Curriculum” is Les Enluminures’s innovative and highly successful program that enables colleges, universities, and other educational institutions in the United States and Canada to borrow a select group of original manuscripts for teaching and exhibitions for a segment of the academic year (semester, quarter, or summer session). The integration of real manuscripts into the curriculum in courses where students can work closely with original material under the guidance of a professor is a central tenet of the program. The program also serves as a springboard, enabling participating institutions to discover and implement ways that manuscripts can continue to be used creatively in their curricula.

We are now accepting applications for participation in “Manuscripts in the Curriculum III” to begin in January 2024. A group of nine manuscripts will be available for loan. We will choose seven manuscripts to serve as a diverse sample of manuscripts from across Europe in Latin and the vernacular from various dates; it is possible to customize the program with the addition of two “wild card” manuscripts especially suited to the needs of the participating institution. Descriptions of a sample group of manuscripts will be available upon request.

There is a nominal cost ($5,500) for North American institutions to contribute towards the out-of-pocket expenses of the program (with an additional fee for participating Canadian institutions for international shipping and customs). The fee covers administration, insurance, shipping, and condition reports. The program also includes a zoom-meeting with the supervising curator and faculty to discuss the loan, and one class session on the manuscripts presented via zoom by Sandra Hindman and Laura Light (at a time mutually agreed upon by Les Enluminures and the participating institution).
To read more about the program, including news from past participants, please see our website,

The application (no more than 3 pages in length) should include: a letter of intent outlining the course(s) planned, and other internal and public events (lectures, receptions, colloquia), as well as any special requests for “wild card” manuscripts; a plan for integrating the use of manuscripts in the curriculum after the conclusion of the program; the names of faculty and library staff responsible for overseeing and funding the program; and the preferred semester with a second choice listed (from January 2024 through January 2027). Applications are due October 15, 2023. Decisions will be announced November 15, 2023.

Please send your application to: