Three exhibitions, six gatherings with curators; December 17, register now!

Will you be in New York this holiday season? 
We’d love to see you on December 17, 2021 — uptown, downtown, all around town!

Three exhibitions, six gatherings with curators, you mix and match.

About the event 
This season in New York we celebrate a trio of medieval exhibitions, curated by ICMA members:

  • Spain, 1000-1200: Art at the Frontiers of Faith, at the Met Cloisters, curated by Julia Perratore

  • The Good Life: Collecting Late Antique Art at the Met, at the Met Fifth Avenue, curated by Andrea Achi

  • Imperial Splendor: The Art of the Book in the Holy Roman Empire, ca. 800-1500, at the Morgan Library and Museum, curated by Joshua O’Driscoll and Jeffrey Hamburger

The curators of the shows have graciously agreed to host informal conversations in the galleries on a single day, Friday, December 17. In order to serve as many of our members as possible, we have scheduled slots at the various exhibitions throughout that day, as follows:

10am   The Cloisters with Julia Perratore
The Met with Andrea Achi

1pm     The Cloisters with Julia Perratore
             The Morgan with Joshua O’Driscoll

4pm     The Met with Andrea Achi
The Morgan with Joshua O’Driscoll

6pm informal gathering at a TBD venue in Midtown

Due to the uncertainties of the pandemic and the challenges of confirming vaccinations for participants, we are keeping this program casual. We arrange for the curators to be in the galleries at fixed times, you register for slots and coordinate with your friends and colleagues about the structure of your schedule. We will be in touch with attendees about museum admission fees.

Space is limited, so act now! Since we want to keep participation open to as many ICMA members as possible, we ask that you please register only for sessions you know you can attend. And do let us know if your plans change, so we can fill open slots.

Register HERE

New York law requires that all museum visitors be vaccinated against COVID-19. Be sure that you understand the regulations for each institution you plan to visit:

 Due to the pandemic, the museums must limit capacity and are requiring timed entry. Once you have reserved your slots for the ICMA gallery gatherings please reserve tickets at the museums you will be visiting:

For questions or special needs, please contact: