Call for Proposals - International Medieval Congress Leeds 2025, due Thursday 8 August 2024

Call for Proposals
International Medieval Congress 2025
Leeds, United Kingdom; 7-10 July 2025

The International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA) seeks proposals for sessions to be held under the organization’s sponsorship in 2025 at the International Medieval Congress (IMC) at Leeds, England.  

While session proposals on any topic related to the art of the Middle Ages are welcome, the IMC also chooses a theme for each conference. In 2025 the theme is “Worlds of Learning.”  For more information on the Leeds 2025 congress and theme, see:

Session organizers and speakers must be ICMA members at the time of the conference. Proposals must include a session abstract, and a list of speakers, as one single Doc or PDF with the organizer’s name in the title, and a CV, again as a Doc or PDF with the organizer’s name in the title.

Upload your proposals HERE by Thursday 8 August 2024.

Please direct all inquiries to the Chair of the Programs Committee: Alice I. Sullivan, Tufts University, USA, 

The ICMA Programs and Lectures committee will select a session to sponsor and will notify the successful organizer(s) in mid-August. The organizer(s) will then submit the ICMA-sponsored proposal to the IMC.

A note about Kress Travel Grants

Thanks to a generous grant from the Kress Foundation, funds may be available to defray travel costs of speakers in ICMA sponsored sessions up to a maximum of $600 for domestic travel and of $1200 for overseas travel. If available, the Kress funds are allocated for travel and hotel only. Speakers in ICMA sponsored sessions will be refunded only after the conference, against travel receipts.  In addition to speakers, session organizers delivering papers as an integral part of the session (i.e. with a specific title listed in the program) are now also eligible to receive travel funding. 

Click here for more information.