due WEDNESDAY 19 March 2025, 11:59 PM ET
Upload materials HERE
The International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA) wishes to announce its annual Graduate Student Essay Award for the best essay by a student member of the ICMA. The theme or subject of the essay may be any aspect of medieval art, and can be drawn from current research. Eligible essays must be produced while a student is in coursework. The work must be original and should not have been published elsewhere. We are pleased to offer First Prize ($400), Second Prize ($200), and Third Prize ($100).
We are grateful to an anonymous donor for underwriting the Student Essay Award competition. This member particularly encourages submissions that consider themes of intercultural contact — for instance, between Latin Christendom and the Byzantine realm; among Jews, Muslims, and Christians; or the dynamics of encounters connecting Europe, Africa, and Asia. These are not requirements, however, and the awards will be granted based on quality of the papers, regardless of topic.
The deadline for submission is WEDNESDAY 19 MARCH 2025, 11:59pm ET. The winners will be announced at the Spring Board Meeting in May. Recipients will be asked to forward their winning essay to the donor that underwrites the Student Essay Award competition.
Applicants must submit:
An article-length paper (maximum 30 pages, double-spaced, not including footnotes) following the editorial guidelines of our journal Gesta. A title page with essay title, author name, contact information, and affiliation must be included.
Each submission must also include a 250-word abstract written in English regardless of the language of the rest of the paper.
A curriculum vitae.
NOTE ON FILE SUBMISSION: Please submit PDF files when appropriate with the file named as LAST NAME first, then the item. Example: SMITHabstract.pdf, SMITHessay.pdf, SMITHcv.pdf
All applicants must be ICMA members.
All submissions are to be uploaded HERE.
Email questions to Ryan Frisinger at The winning essay will be chosen by members of the ICMA Grants and Awards Committee, which is chaired by our Vice-President.