Call for Papers: Digital Medievalisms at AAH Annual Conference 2023, due 11 November 2022

Call for Papers
Digital Medievalisms

Association for Art History Annual Conference 2023
12-14 April 2023, University College London

due 11 November 2022, 11:59pm ET

Claudia Haines, Tufts University,
Atineh Movsesian, University of California, Berkeley,

This session will discuss the benefits and advantages (or disadvantages) modern technology can bring to the field of medieval studies. Digital technologies have created new methodologies for the humanities. With the help of three-dimensional scanning, for example, researchers can “visit” and study medieval monuments in virtual and augmented reality. Similarly, the increasing digitization of medieval manuscripts make these fragile and often inaccessible objects available to a wider public. With the current social and political climate—the ongoing pandemic creating restrictions for research, and wars threatening medieval monuments and objects— how can technology benefit the study of the Middle Ages? Alternatively, could the application of technology to the field of medieval studies have any disadvantages?

The field of digital humanities is rapidly growing and advancing. In addition to conservation and archival projects, new technologies bring forth new methodologies. How can these methodologies improve the understanding of the global medieval world? Can virtual and augmented realities help researchers visualize the political and social aspects of the global Middle Ages? Will new technologies expand access to monuments and objects currently hindered by political, social, or public health constraints? And finally, how can the digital humanities be applied in classrooms and museum education? This session will address these questions and more through an interrogation of the role of technology in medieval art research.

To offer a paper:

  • Please email your paper proposals directly to the session convenor(s).

  • You need to provide a title and abstract (250 words maximum) for a 20-minute paper (unless otherwise specified), your name and institutional affiliation (if any).

  • Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper because the title is what appears online, in social media and in the digital programme.

  • You should receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your submission within two weeks.

  • Deadline for submissions: 11 November 2022, 11:59pm ET