ICMA at IV Forum Kunst des Mittelalters/IV Forum Art History, Berlin, 20-23 Sep 2017

ICMA at IV Forum Kunst des Mittelalters/IV Forum Art History, Berlin, 20-23 Sep 2017

ICMA sponsored session: “The Treasury of San Isidoro de León and its Global Connections”, organized by Jitske Jasperse (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid).


Amanda W. Dotseth (Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, and CSIC, Madrid), “The Treasures of a Medieval Church in a Modern State: San Isidoro de León and the Making of Spain’s National Collections”;

·Silvia Armando (American Academy in Rome), “‘Siculo-Arabic’ ivories in the Treasury: perception and practises within a Christian context”;

Janet Kempf (Kloster und Kaiserpfalz Memleben), “How Ottonian Artists illuminated Spanish Art”;

Jitske Jasperse (CSIC, Madrid), “Holy Exoticism: New Perspectives on a Princess’s Portable Altar”.