ICMA at the Association of Art Historians (UK), 2017

The International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA) seeks proposals for sessions to be held under the organization’s sponsorship in 2017 at the Association of Art Historians annual meeting to be held 6-8 April 2017 at Loughborough University near Nottingham, England. Proposals to the ICMA must include a session abstract and a CV of the organizer(s). 

Please note the following: 

The AAH does not require a slate of speakers; the AAH will generate a CFP once sessions have been selected. Therefore the ICMA will not request a slate of speakers. The ICMA requires the CVs of the session organizers, but the AAH does not. Session organizers and speakers must be ICMA members but are not required to become AAH members. However, AAH members receive a preferential conference rate. Sessions at the AAH conference are built of 70-minute blocks, with a minimum of two blocks per session, up to four blocks in a day. Each block consists of two papers of 25 minutes plus 10 minutes of questions for each paper. The ICMA seeks to sponsor one session of two 70-minute blocks (four papers).

Thanks to a generous grant from the Kress Foundation, funds may be available to defray travel costs of sponsored session speakers. Please direct all session proposals and inquiries by 2 April 2016 to the Chair of the Programs Committee: Janis Elliott, School of Art, Texas Tech University. 

Email: janis.elliott@ttu.edu 

The ICMA Programs and Lectures committee will select a session to sponsor and will notify the successful organizer(s) around 12 April 2016. The organizer(s) will then submit the ICMA-
sponsored proposal to the AAH, which will make the final decision. Submit session proposals to the AAH by 18 April 2016 at AAH2017@lboro.ac.uk following the guidelines posted on the AAH website: http://www.aah.org.uk/annual-conference/2017-conference
