ICMA Resources for the New Academic Year

Don’t Forget about ICMA Resources as you Look Ahead to the New Academic Year!

Hello to the ICMA Community,
As you finalize syllabi or sketch research plans for the coming academic year, we wanted to remind you of the wealth of material available on the ICMA website.
Among other things …
Under LECTURES, you will find videos of:

  • Julia Perratore, on Representing Medieval Spain at The Met Cloisters

  • Bissera Pentcheva, on Image, Chant, and Imagination at Ste. Foy in Conques

  • Stephen Perkinson, on Memento mori Imagery and the Limits of the Self in Late Medieval Europe

  • Nicola Camerlenghi, on Digital Approaches to Medieval Art History

  • A panel on Medieval Make Believe: The Middle Ages in Popular Culture

  • A panel on Collecting the Medieval Past: What, Why, How?

  • A panel on Queer Medieval Art: Past, Present, and Future

  • The summer 2021 suite of talks connected to the British Museum’s exhibition on Thomas Becket: Murder and the Making of a Saint

  • A wealth of sessions in our Mining the Collection series with museum curators

  • And much more!

Under PUBLICATIONS, you can get access to:

  • Gesta

  • ICMA News

Under RESOURCES, you can explore:

Finally, if you're curious about the history of our organization and the field in general, be sure to listen to episodes in the ICMA Oral History Project. Recent podcasts include interviews with Joan Holladay and Herbert Kessler. And soon to appear will be a conversation with Jane Rosenthal.
We hope that the past few months have been restful and restorative for you. We look forward to good things on the horizon.
Best wishes,
Nina Rowe, ICMA President
Ryan Frisinger, ICMA Executive Director