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New Exhibition: Toulouse 1300-1400, Musée de Cluny, Paris, 19 October 2022-22 January 2023.

Toulouse 1300 - 1400. The emergence of the southern gothic

From 18 October 2022 to 22 January 2023

L'Éclat d'un gothique méridionale, commissaires Béatrice de Chancel-Bardelot and Charlotte Riou.

A summary of recent research, the exhibition "Toulouse 1300 - 1400. The emergence of the southern gothic" depicts a unique inventory of creativity in Toulouse in the 14th century. 

In particular, the exhibition features four statues from the Rieux chapel, masterpieces of 14th century polychrome sculpture. Toulouse miniatures will also be in the spotlight thanks to some fifteen illuminated leaves and manuscripts.

More than 80 works are on display, showing the richness of Toulouse's creative output during this period, as well as the back-and-forth of influences between Toulouse, Avignon and the Pyrenean valleys. 

The exhibition is organised by the Musée de Cluny and the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais. It has benefited from an exceptional loan from the Musée des Augustins in Toulouse. 

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