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Migrant Greeks: Comparing Feofan Grek and Domenico Greco, Charles Barber; April 14; Register now!

Migrant Greeks: Comparing Feofan Grek and Domenico Greco
Charles Barber, Princeton University

Respondent: Maria Vassilaki, University of Thessaly
April 14

Yale Lectures in Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture

Lecture series organized by Robert S. Nelson, Robert Lehman Professor in the History of Art, and Vasileios Marinis, Professor of Christian Art and Architecture at the ISM and YDS.

Presented in collaboration with Yale Department of Classics and Yale Department of the History of Art.

Zoom lectures begin at 12 noon Eastern Time; registration is required.


You can register at any time to join a lecture. Your registration is valid for the whole series; attend as many as you like.  You will automatically receive reminders for the lectures. 
Register here

Solidus of Emperor Herakleios, Constantinople, 7th century, Yale University Art Gallery