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Call for Papers: Medieval Iberia in a Connected World: The Raw-Materials Record, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024


Medieval Iberia in a Connected World: The Raw-Materials Record

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 8-10 May 2025

Due 15 September 2024

This session aims to contribute to the production of knowledge about the Global Middle Ages by analyzing the role that the Iberian Peninsula played in the trade of raw materials. On the one hand, the goal is to advance the knowledge of the Iberian Peninsula as a point of arrival/departure of raw materials relative to extra-peninsular and/or extra-European territories. In addition, papers may address the representations and symbolism those raw materials acquired in Iberian contexts.

This session will create a space for methodological reflection. It thus aims to bring together researchers from very different disciplinary perspectives, including not only the Humanities but also scholars from the Experimental and Natural Sciences. This session will highlight the need for cross-cultural approaches for a more comprehensive approach to medieval Iberia.

Papers may delve into issues of short-, medium-, and long-distance trade; the subsequent use of these raw materials in the production of objects, artifacts, or buildings; and the significance assigned to them in visual and literary culture. Proposals for papers will be accepted through September 15 and need to be submitted at:

Delivery Mode: Hybrid session

Organizers: Erika Loic (; Alicia Miguélez (

Sponsoring Organization: Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Univ. NOVA de Lisboa

Keywords: Medieval Iberia, Global Middle Ages, Raw Materials, Trade, Reception and Symbolism